[code autolinks=”false”]
# AWK script to convert hex encoded ASCII strings back #
# in to the printable ASCII characters that they #
# represent. #
# Non-printable characters are converted to a ‘?’. #
# #
# unhex.awk v2013.04.01 #
# http://malwaremusings.com/scripts/unhex-awk #
# #
# usage: awk -f unhex.awk <inputfilename> #
# where inputfilename is a text file containing hex #
# encoded (0x…) strings. #
/0x/ {
while (s = match($0,"0[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]+",matcharray) > 0) {
chrstr = "";
hexdigits = "0123456789abcdef";
word = tolower(matcharray[0]);
value = 0;
for (nibble = 3;nibble <= length(word);nibble++) {
char = substr(word,nibble,1);
idx = index(hexdigits,char) – 1;
value += idx * ((nibble % 2) == 1?16:1);
if (idx == -1) printf("WARNING: Invalid hex digit %c\n",char) >"/dev/stderr";
if (nibble % 2 == 0) {
if ((value >= 0x20) && (value < 0x7f)) {
chrstr = chrstr sprintf("%c",value);
} else {
chrstr = chrstr "?";
value = 0;
$0 = substr($0,1,RSTART – 1) "0x\"" chrstr "\"" substr($0,RSTART + RLENGTH);