[code autolinks=”false”]
# Python script to parse (MS-SQL) TDS data streams and #
# extract SQL statements and TDS7 login credentials. #
# #
# parsetds.py v2013.03.25 #
# http://malwaremusings.com/scripts/parsetds-py #
# #
# usage: parsetds.py <tcpflowfilename> #
# where tcpflowfilename is a file containing the TCP #
# data from an MS-SQL (or other) TDS based #
# network connection. #
# Microsoft’s TDS implementation documentation
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd304523.aspx
# Description of the TDS packet type 0x17 packets
# http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/da-DK/os_windowsprotocols/thread/bfb8b14e-3696-4c3d-848f-068b6918b70f
import sys
import struct
tdsfile = open(sys.argv[1],"r")
tdsdata = tdsfile.read()
# Offset from the start of the TDS stream
off = 0
# Variable to build the SQLBatch SQL command string
# as the command string may span TDS packets
d = ""
# Until we reach the end of the TDS data stream…
while (off < len(tdsdata)):
# get the packet type of the next packet
pkttype = ord(tdsdata[off])
# A. Check for TLS packet.
# If we find one, skip it, as we won’t be able to decode the data
if (pkttype == 0x17):
tlsver = struct.unpack(">H",tdsdata[off + 1:off + 1 + 2])[0]
pktlen = struct.unpack(">H",tdsdata[off + 3:off + 3 + 2])[0] + 5 # + 5 as len doesn’t include TLS packet header
#print("TLS Pkt Ver: %x" % tlsver)
# B. Get the various packet header variables
# (packet status, length, spid (TDS documentation)/channel number (Wireshark), packet ID, and window)
pktstat = ord(tdsdata[off + 1])
pktlen = struct.unpack(">H",tdsdata[off + 2:off + 2 + 2])[0]
pktspid = struct.unpack(">H",tdsdata[off + 4:off + 4 + 2])[0]
pktpktn = ord(tdsdata[off + 6])
pktwin = ord(tdsdata[off + 7])
#print("TDS Pkt Type: %d" % pkttype)
# C. Get the TDS packet’s data payload and check the packet type
tdspkt = tdsdata[off + 8:off + pktlen]
# D. Handle SQL Batch packet
if (pkttype == 0x01):
# SQL Batch
# Data
if (pktpktn == 1):
ah_totlen = struct.unpack("<L",tdspkt[0:4])[0]
ahoff = 4
while (ahoff < ah_totlen):
ah_hdrlen = struct.unpack("<L",tdspkt[ahoff:ahoff + 4])[0]
ah_hdrtyp = struct.unpack("<H",tdspkt[ahoff + 4:ahoff + 6])[0]
ah_hdrdat = tdspkt[ahoff + 6:ahoff + ah_hdrlen]
if (ah_hdrtyp == 0x02):
transdesc = struct.unpack("<Q",ah_hdrdat[0:8])[0]
outreqcnt = struct.unpack("<L",ah_hdrdat[8:12])[0]
ahoff += ah_hdrlen
d = tdspkt[ah_totlen:].decode(‘utf-16’)
d += tdspkt[0:].decode(‘utf-16’)
if (pktstat & 0x01): print "SQLBatch:%s" % d
# E. Handle TDS7 Login packet
if (pkttype == 0x10):
# E.1 get variables from TDS7 Login packet header
login_totlen = struct.unpack("<L",tdspkt[0:4])[0]
login_tdsver = struct.unpack("<L",tdspkt[4:8])[0]
login_clntver = struct.unpack("<L",tdspkt[12:16])[0]
login_tz = struct.unpack("<L",tdspkt[28:32])[0]
#print("DBG: totlen %d\ttdsver %x\tclntver %x\ttz %d" % (login_totlen,login_tdsver,login_clntver,login_tz))
# E.2 extract each of the variable length values
# (client name, user name, password, application name, server name, library name, database name)
login_lenoff = tdspkt[36:86]
login_clntnameoff = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[0:2])[0]
login_clntnamelen = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[2:4])[0]
#print("DBG: clntname %d:%d" % (login_clntnameoff,login_clntnamelen))
login_clntname = tdspkt[login_clntnameoff:login_clntnameoff + (login_clntnamelen * 2)].decode(‘utf-16’).encode(errors = ‘backslashreplace’)
login_usernameoff = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[4:6])[0]
login_usernamelen = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[6:8])[0]
#print("DBG: username %d:%d" % (login_usernameoff,login_usernamelen))
login_username = tdspkt[login_usernameoff:login_usernameoff + (login_usernamelen * 2)].decode(‘utf-16’).encode(errors = ‘backslashreplace’)
login_passwdoff = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[8:10])[0]
login_passwdlen = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[10:12])[0]
#print("DBG: passwd %d:%d" % (login_passwdoff,login_passwdlen))
login_passwd = tdspkt[login_passwdoff:login_passwdoff + (login_passwdlen * 2)].decode(‘utf-16’).encode(errors = ‘backslashreplace’)
login_appnameoff = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[12:14])[0]
login_appnamelen = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[14:16])[0]
#print("DBG: appname %d:%d" % (login_appnameoff,login_appnamelen))
login_appname = tdspkt[login_appnameoff:login_appnameoff + (login_appnamelen * 2)].decode(‘utf-16’).encode(errors = ‘backslashreplace’)
login_svrnameoff = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[16:18])[0]
login_svrnamelen = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[18:20])[0]
#print("DBG: svrname %d:%d" % (login_svrnameoff,login_svrnamelen))
login_svrname = tdspkt[login_svrnameoff:login_svrnameoff + (login_svrnamelen * 2)].decode(‘utf-16’).encode(errors = ‘backslashreplace’)
login_libnameoff = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[24:26])[0]
login_libnamelen = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[26:28])[0]
#print("DBG: libname %d:%d" % (login_libnameoff,login_libnamelen))
login_libname = tdspkt[login_libnameoff:login_libnameoff + (login_libnamelen * 2)].decode(‘utf-16’).encode(errors = ‘backslashreplace’)
login_dbnameoff = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[32:34])[0]
login_dbnamelen = struct.unpack("<H",login_lenoff[34:36])[0]
#print("DBG: dbname %d:%d" % (login_dbnameoff,login_dbnamelen))
login_dbname = tdspkt[login_dbnameoff:login_dbnameoff + (login_dbnamelen * 2)].decode(‘utf-16’).encode(errors = ‘backslashreplace’)
print("Login7:%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s" % (login_clntname,login_username,login_passwd,login_appname,login_svrname,login_libname,login_dbname))
# F. Handle large slab of null bytes caused by tcpflow’s handling of
# TCP connections reusing the same IP address/TCP port pairs
# The TDS documentation does not define a packet type of 0
# so we *shouldn’t* see one in a connection. Hence we’ll use this
# and a packet length of 0, to indicate the problem condition.
# Unfortunately, this skipping process is awfully slow
# (it would be better to stop tcpflow from creating such output files)
if (pkttype == 0x00 and pktlen == 0x00):
print("Warning: Found tcpflow reused ports problem. Searching file for next TDS message…")
while (struct.unpack(">Q",tdsdata[off:off + 8]) == 0): off += 8
while (ord(tdsdata[off]) == 0x00): off += 1
print("Warning: Resuming")
# G. Increment offset to point to start of next TDS packet
off += int(pktlen)
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