[code autolinks=”false”]
# Python script to parse MySQL data streams and extract #
# SQL statements. #
# #
# parsemysql.py v2013.03.25 #
# http://malwaremusings.com/scripts/parsemysql-py #
# #
# usage: parsemysql.py <tcpflowfilename> #
# where tcpflowfilename is a file containing the TCP #
# data from a MySQL network connection. #
# MySQL packet documentation
# http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/overview.html#mysql-packet
import sys
import struct
mysqlfile = open(sys.argv[1],"r")
mysqldata = mysqlfile.read()
# Offset from the start of the MySQL stream
off = 0
# Until we reach the end of the MySQL data stream…
while (off < len(mysqldata)):
# A. Extract packet length, sequence number, and MySQL command
pktlen = struct.unpack("<L",mysqldata[off:off + 4])[0] & 0x00ffffff
pktseq = ord(mysqldata[off + 3])
# first byte of payload
pktcmd = ord(mysqldata[off + 4])
# B. Process COM_QUIT command
if (pktcmd == 0x01):
# C. Process COM_QUERY command
elif (pktcmd == 0x03):
# C.1 extract MySQL query and print it
# (off + 4) is start of MySQL packet data payload
# which is the command followed by query in this case
pktqry = mysqldata[off + 5:off + 4 + pktlen]
print("%s" % pktqry)
# D. Print message about unknown commands
print("– unknown command #: 0x%x" % pktcmd)
# E. Increment offset to point to start of next MySQL packet
off += int(pktlen) + 4 # len is length of payload and doesn’t include packet header