Remember my script to extract data from MS-SQL TDS streams? Well here is a bit of an introduction to the Bro Network Security Monitoring software which implements my functionality using Bro‘s scripting language.

If you find monitoring networks for security related artefacts interesting, or it’s your job, then read on as I demonstrate some of Bro‘s scripting flexibility by using it to extract MS-SQL commands and login information from network traffic.

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It’s been four months since the Bash ShellShock vulnerability was made public, and for some reason I hadn’t thought of modifying Dionaea to analyse and download any URLs in inbound ShellShock exploits until a week ago! If you’re interested in using Dionaea to download the URLs that in-the-wild ShellShock exploits are trying to download, or if you just like hairy regular expressions, then read on. Continue Reading

It’s been about a year and a half since I wrote about a behavioural approach to automated unpacking, and I figured it was time to add some more functionality to This time, I’m going to look at malware decrypting/decompressing code from within itself, and process hollowing, and see if we can capture the decrypted/decompressed/newly written memory. Let’s spruce up a tad. Continue Reading

I was conjuring up a physical world which had the same level of tracking and logging as the Internet does — a preposterous world because nobody would expect the same level of tracking to occur once they left their computer and went outside right?

Little did I know that my preposterous world isn’t that far from becoming a reality, and that there could soon be any number of people who know what you did last summer. Continue Reading

Well it has been a year since I started this blog, and this is just a quick post to let you know that despite not posting anything for the last three months, I haven’t abandoned the blog nor my desire to try new things in the field of malware analysis. Whilst not blogging, I have had some thoughts about what I’d like to blog about should I once again find enough time to do so.

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I always cringe when I hear people telling others to ‘just accept the certificate’ when their browser warns them that it is invalid, so I’m going to attempt to use a Billy Joel song and an old TV commercial asking if you’ve ‘ever hired a movie that just wasn’t quite ‘right’, to attempt to explain what browser certificate warnings actually mean and why accepting an invalid certificate could cast rather a gloom over the evening. Continue Reading

To analyse the cna12 MySQL attacks, I had to install MySQL Express Server as the attacks were prematurely exiting when connecting to Dionaea. Extracting the binary files from the libpcap files was annoying, so I decided to change Dionaea so that it would automatically extract the binary files used in the cna12 attacks. Continue Reading