Seeing an increase in MySQL attacks hitting your network and interested in knowing more about them? If so, then these posts are for you. They have all the fun involved from noticing an increase in traffic to extracting malware from a packet capture and analysing it. If you like the thrills and spills of scripting information processing tasks, then read on as this post will show you how to script the gathering of information from packet captures. Continue Reading
Vulnerabilities and Exploits
Blog posts related to vulnerabilities and known exploits thereof.
Seeing an increase in MySQL attacks hitting your network and interested in knowing more about them? If so, then these posts are for you. They have all the fun involved from noticing an increase in traffic to extracting malware from a packet capture and analysing it. If you like the thrills and spills of scripting information processing tasks, then read on. If you’d rather I just got to the point and presented information about the attacks, then you can probably skip this first post. Continue Reading
I have just been reading ‘Facebook friend added a new photo of you? Beware spammed-out malware attack‘ by SophosLabs which involves an email being sent to victims suggesting that a friend has tagged them in a photo. Continue Reading