It’s been two years since I launched, and a good time to launch malwearmusings — wearable malwaremusings. That is, t-shirts, albeit geeky ones.
When I created my first web site (this is going back a bit now), I decided that I would never put adverts on it.
The downside to this is that I’m paying an annual charge to keep adverts off my blog (hey — they have to recover the costs of supporting the infrastructure somehow), and I’d much rather sell you a t-shirt than annoy you with web based adverts.
I had some ideas for some (admittedly geeky) t-shirts some time ago, and after hunting around I found some web sites that will let you submit your designs, and then they will put them on to products for you. They also have the option of hosting a shop for you to allow you to sell your designs to others.
It seemed logical to see if I could recover some of the blog hosting costs by selling t-shirts, rather than by subjecting my blog readers to web based adverts. All I needed was a name.
I remembered back to when I was a kid, and finding a cassette tape with some ZX Spectrum software on it, which one of my cousins had labeled ‘softwear’. The obvious thing to do was to mix his misspelling with my blog title.
Each t-shirt sale earns me a few dollars toward the hosting costs of, so if my blog content helps you out (or suitably impresses you), then please check out my malwearmusings pages (the malwearmusings link at the top of each blog page will drop down to show available t-shirts) and see if any of my t-shirts interest you. There are only two at this stage, but I am planning on making more (including an 80×86 version of some assembly required).
To launch malwearmusings, I have created two t-shirts:
I’ve learnt a lot from people who have freely shared information, and from people willing to teach others. My blog is my attempt at ‘paying it forward’ as it were. So, if one of my t-shirts interests you enough that you buy it then great, but if not, I’m not going to starve.
Oh, and I buy each t-shirt and make sure that I am happy with the design before making it publicly available.
Thanks for your support.